Brill Online

Supplementary material for "Socio-Economic Relations in Ptolemaic Pathyris: A Network Analytical Approach to a Bilingual Community" by Lena Tambs, published in "Probleme der Ägyptologie", volumes 40/1 and 40/2.

posted on 2022-07-04, 10:45 authored by Brill Books1Brill Books1

These are the supplementary materials for "Socio-Economic Relations in Ptolemaic Pathyris" by Lena Tambs, published in "Probleme der Ägyptologie", with DOI: 10.1163/9789004500266. The repository contains the full version of Appendix I ‘Raw Data Presentation of Node and Edge Lists’ from Vol. 2, as well as high resolution images of the graphs presented in the work, as listed under ‘Network Visualisations’ in the 'Illustrations’ list of Vol. 1.
