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Supplementary images for "Spatial Reasoning and GIS in Linguistic Prehistory. Two Case Studies from Lower Fungom (Northwest Cameroon)", by Di Carlo and Pizziolo, published in LDC 2.2 (2012)

posted on 2021-02-04, 09:24 authored by Pierpaolo Di Carlo, Giovanna Pizziolo
These are the supplementary materials for an article published in Language Dynamics and Change Volume 2, issue 2, entitled 'Spatial Reasoning and GIS in Linguistic Prehistory. Two Case Studies from Lower Fungom (Northwest Cameroon)' by Pierpaolo Di Carlo and Giovanna Pizziolo, with DOI:10.1163/22105832-20120202.
Being an ontologically multidisciplinary topic, language change is among the best candidates to be addressed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS can integrate datasets from diverse disciplines along with real-world geographical information, hence facilitating the investigation of (i) the spatial relations existing between research items and (ii) (past) landscapes. Drawing from an ongoing project focused on the historical development of the extremely diverse linguistic situation documented in the Lower Fungom region (Northwest Cameroon), this article explores the possibility of placing authentic interdisciplinary research pivoting on linguistic issues within a GIS framework. These supplementary images and video aim to display the possible interplay between geomorphology and other categories of evidence discussed in the article. They include (i) color copies of Figs 5–8 (numbered as Figs 5a–8a), (ii) the three-dimensional figures (Figs 9–16) as well as (iii) the slope maps (Figs 17–18) mentioned in Section 4, (iv) a map representing data reliability (Fig. 19) mentioned in Section 5, and (v) a short video file meant to facilitate the inspection of Figs 5a–8a as a time series.
