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Appendix to BEH 3781

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posted on 2022-09-29, 06:07 authored by Fabrizio Grieco

Table A1. Table of P values and Q values. 

Figure A1. Histogram of raw P-values. False Discovery Rate: P-values below 0.05 = 7; P-values above 0.5 = 4 (including value P=0.466); estimated below 0.5 = 4; estimated true null hypothesis: 8; Estimated P-values below 0.05: 4/10 = 0.4; FDR = 0.4/7 = 5.71%.

Figure A2. Scheme of the design of this study. (A) The main response variable was the peak frequency of the vocalizations of the focal male during countersinging interactions with either of two neighbours. (B): Each data point represents the average peak frequency of the focal male in a single interaction with a neighbour. The difference between the overall averages f determines which individual is labelled NL and which NH (see Methods). (C) Layout of the within-subject contrasts. Squares: focal males. Dots, neighbouring males. Colours represent identities. (D) Variation in the overlap of call posts of focal male (grey dots) and a neighbour (red or blue dots). The polygons represent the familiar space used by each individual during interactions. The arrows represent the signal sent by the focal male during an interaction, which is the focus if this study.

Figure A3. Patterns of movement of focal males when two neighbouring males were vocally active simultaneously. Small squares in dimmed colour indicate all the call posts of the focal male, including that of solitary singing. Larger squares indicate the call posts during a specific interaction. Squares: focal subject. Dots: neighbour NL. Triangles: neighbour NH. Arrows indicate the movement of the focal male inferred from the temporal sequence of the recorded call posts. S: The starting position of the focal male. (A–E) Focal male moving towards neighbour NL (dot) once the latter began calling, while the other neighbour (NH, triangles) was already calling near or within the focal male’s territory. Multiple symbols indicate multiple positions during one interaction. A-C refer to the same focal male. Note that in A and C the focal male was initially near NH. (F, G) Focal male moving back to the centre of its territory after the neighbour NL (dot) ended the vocal display, while the other neighbour NH (triangle) continued calling at a short distance. S, starting position of the focal male; St, position of the focal male when NL ended calling. 


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