Behavioural innovations play an important role
in animal ecology and evolution. We report a case of little egret using its
beak dips as a tool to lure and catch prey goldfish in an artificial
environment designed to test predator-prey behavioural foraging games. The
egret mimicked the food pellets falling into the pool from a mechanical feeder
that fed the goldfish at regular intervals. The falling pellets created ripples
in the water that acted as a cue for the prey goldfish to come out of the cover
and feed on the floating pellets. The egret learned this phenomenon through
time and used its beak dips to create ripples and attract the prey outside. The
egret preferably used the location of the feeder in the pool to carry out its
beak dipping attempts and maximize its fish capture success. The egret
attempted this behaviour more in the largest cover that provided the best
refuge to the prey goldfish. The egret beak dipping attempts to lure the prey
goldfish out of the cover declined through experimental time as well as with
increasing prey kills. As the beak dipping behaviour did not result in a
high capture rate of fish, the egret subsequently reduced
its attempts through time. This case study illustrates that foraging
innovations can occur through learning in laboratory conditions containing a
novel but artificial environment.