Brill Online

Folk and Popular musics

posted on 2021-08-19, 15:49 authored by David Harnish
5.1 Kecimol Dangdut band in Nyongkolan procession, Keruak, 2017. This band features electric guitar and bass, keyboard, two hand drums evoking the North Indian tabla (called ketipung or tabala), and female vocalist. The fl0at is initially pulled by three young boys, then will easily roll down the street

5.2 Kecimol Dangdut with Drum Band in Nyongkolan, 2017. The drum band players perform a dance to the dangdut music as the group waits to progress.

5.3 Nyongkolan procession with Kecimol Dangdut, 2017. The procession, headed by children and including the couple to be married, comes down a street, soon followed by the drum band and dangdut band.

5.4 Amaq Sadar (on gambus) and group perform Cilokaq in his house in Batu Rimpang, Keruak, 2017. Also features vocalist Inaq Maqni and suling player, Amaq Dewi. Amaq Sadar begins singing about halfway through the clip. The vocal, gambus, and suling melodies are performed heterophonically.

5.5 Erni Ayuningsih and Amaq Zhero perform Cilokaq, Cakranegara, 2017. Ibu Ayuningsih, a popular and dangdut artist, sings with a polished, professional, and emotional vocal style.

5.6 Kecimol Asli (or Kecimol Tradisional) from Lenek (sanggar “Cupu Mas”). Performance at Narmada, 2016. This wonderful clip is courtesy of I Gede Yudarta, who conducted a Kecimol Tradisional revitalization project. The ensemble features mandolin, gambus, penting (or second gambus), suling, tambourine, jidur drum, gendang double-headed drum, and female vocalist. A second piece shows a dancer with the jidur player and a third has the tambourine and a gambus player dance. Like cilokaq, the melody is rendered heterophonically by strings, suling, and vocalist.

5.7 Selober performance by Amaq Haidir and Partner, Pengadangan, 2017. The piece originates from the gamelan klentangan.
