BEH 3885 Videos
Of 126 still photographs and 64 video recordings, 14 video files, arranged in pairs recorded less than a minute apart, represent the most complete sequence of events. Titles of these files are interspersed with the descriptions below, labelled as “EpXPtY_Day-Month-Year.mp4”, where X is he episode (1–7), and Y is the part (1 focused on the adult at the puddle gathering water, and 2 focused on the same adult at the nest attending to nestlings). Descriptions were taken both in real time and whilst watching videos played at 20–30% speed using VLC Media Player 3.0.12 Vetinari 64bit (VLC authors and VideoLAN Association, 2020). In all cases the narrator is CRB. Not all adult behaviours, and not all nestlings, can be seen in these videos, so descriptions are necessarily partial.
The other five videos show only portions of the behavioural sequences described above, but highlight certain features that are not as evident in the complete episodes. The files are labelled “VideoTitle_Day-Month-Year.mp4”. The first three are focused on the puddle in 2018; the fourth is focused on the nest in 2018. The fifth is a video taken by Cédric Prieels of a captive bird in France drinking.