Brill Online

Videos to BEH 3877

posted on 2024-08-13, 12:30 authored by Amir Arnon, Nicola F. Koyama, Torsten Wronski

Video 1. Two adult male mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) engaged in a territorial border conflict near a localised defecation site. Both males produce a series of short, sharp nasal threat calls whilst taking an erect posture with the nose levelled or slightly raised. Both males show a lateral presentation of the body, turning the heads away, and performing nodding motions such as headshaking. The encounter continues with high horn presentation, attack, clash-fighting, front-pressing, and aircushion fighting. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 12 November 2020.

Video 2. The same two adult male mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) as in Video 1 engaged in a territorial border conflict. Both males produce a series of short, sharp nasal threat calls whilst showing lateral presentation of the body, turning the heads away, and performing vegetation-horning. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 1 July 2021.

Video 3. The same two adult male mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) as in Video 1 engaged in a territorial border conflict. While producing a series of short, sharp nasal threat calls, the male on the right is performing nodding motions such as headshaking and vegetation-horning. The encounter continues with high horn presentation, attack, clash-fighting, front-pressing, and aircushion fighting. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 1 July 2021.

Video 4. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella; presumably one of the two males in Video 1) producing a series of short, sharp nasal threat calls whilst performing nodding motions or taking an erect posture with the nose levelled or slightly raised. The behaviour and call were performed near a localised defecation site at the boundary between two adult males’ territories. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 12 September 2020.

Video 5. The same two adult male mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) as in Video 1 engaged in a territorial border conflict (out of sight). Short, sharp nasal threat calls are clearly audible, and accompanied by strong flank twitching (pressing large amounts of air off the lungs) whilst having the mouth closed. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 12 September 2020.

Video 6. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) producing a series of short alarm calls, whereby each call corresponds to a single jump whilst performing stotting or pronking behaviour (jumping into the air, lifting all four feet off the ground simultaneously, whereby the legs are held in a relatively stiff position). Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 1 October 2021.

Video 7. An adult female mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) producing a single alarm call (at 0:30) after being alerted by an approaching golden jackal (Canis aureus). Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 10 September 2019.

Video 8. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) producing a series of alarm calls, which appears to be in triggered by a conspecific male (or another strange object or noise) rather than by a predator. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 12 July 2020.

Video 9. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) producing a series of short alarm calls, whereby each call corresponds to a single jump whilst performing stotting or pronking behaviour (see Video 7). Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 12 August 2020.

Video 10. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) producing a strong, single alarm call before fleeing. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 2 December 2021.

Video 11. An adult female mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) producing two alarm call (at 0:27 and 0:31) whilst taking the alert posture. Note that alarm calls are accompanied by strong flank twitching (pressing large amounts of air off the lungs) while having the mouth closed, suggesting that alarm calls are of nasal output. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 31 March 2022.

Video 12. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) performing a low-stretch approach towards a female. Prior to genital testing the male produces a courtship call (at 0:03), barely audible due to the soft and inconspicuous nature of the vocalisation. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 20 December 2019.

Video 13. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) during the demonstrative driving phase, a part of courtship during which the male makes the female stand up while performing repeated foreleg-lifting and producing courtship calls (at 0:21 and 0:28). Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 19 October 2018.

Video 14. An adult male mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) advancing the camera whilst performing a low stretch approach. The low stretch approach is usually directed towards a female, signalling that the approaching male wants to test the reproductive status of the female (genital testing). A courtship call (weeping call) was produced at 0:08, just after the male passed the camera. Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel, 20 December 2019.


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