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Appendices to IAWA 2187

posted on 2021-10-12, 06:58 authored by Martina Dolezych, Dimitra Mantzouka, Lutz Kunzmann

Appendix A. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant woods of Abies sect. Abies (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.

Appendix B. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant woods of Abies sect. Nobilis Engelm. (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.

Appendix C. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant wood of Abies sect. Amabilis (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.

Appendix D. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant woods of Abies sect. Grandis Engelm. emend. Eckenwalder. (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.

Appendix E. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant wood of Abies sect. Bracteata Engelm. emend. Sarg. (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.

Appendix F. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant woods of Abies sect. Pseudopicea Hickel emend. Q. P. (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.

Appendix G. Comparison of features of our Wiesa fossil wood Cedroxylon shakhtnaense comb. nov. and extant woods of Abies sect. Balsamea Engelm. emend. Farjon (?, not stated; –, absent; +, present). The coding and terminology of Esteban et al. (2004) has been used.
